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AHA/ACC/ACCP/ASPC/NLA/PCNA Guideline for the Management of Patients With Chronic Coronary Disease: A Report of the American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology Joint Committee on Clinical Practice Guidelines

Aug 29, 2023/CPG

This updated guideline provides an evidenced-based and patient-centered approach to management of patients with chronic coronary disease.

Infectious Disease Control

Preventing infectious disease is everyone's responsibility. Know what you need to do.

Physician Owned? Corporate? Independent? Panel Event to Focus on PT Models of Practice

Dec 30, 2019/News

Few would argue that health care in the United States has experienced significant change over the past few years—but do those changes require a new look at practice models for physical therapists (PTs)? That's the question at the heart of an event cosponsored by APTA and Arcadia University set for the

Major Health Industry Groups Look to Streamline Prior Authorization

Jan 19, 2018/News

6 major health industry groups issued a consensus statement outlining 5 ways the health care system could "improve the [prior authorization] process, promote quality and affordable health care, and reduce unnecessary burdens."

Joining APTA: Much Like a Blind Date

Feb 5, 2019/Perspective

At first, my relationship with APTA was entirely digital.

Concussion and Traumatic Brain Injury

May 4, 2020/Article

Traumatic brain injury is a serious public health problem. Concussion, or mild traumatic brain injury, is a brief change in mental status or consciousness. Check out resources on both.

File a Complaint with APTA's Ethics and Judicial Committee

If you believe that a PT or PTA member of APTA has violated the association's ethical standards, you may file a complaint to APTA's Ethics and Judicial Committee.

Definitions: Fraud, Abuse, and Waste

Aug 3, 2020/Article

Review and understand the key terms of health care fraud, abuse, and waste to prevent and mitigate risks in your practice.

APTA Store

Shop for APTA, centennial, and ChoosePT merchandise from brands including Under Armour and Nike.

APTA Oncology

Jan 1, 2020/Website

The academy’s mission is to advance PT practice for persons affected by cancer and chronic illness by maximizing movement and wellness across the lifespan.