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Top APTA Podcasts of 2021

Dec 29, 2021/Roundup

APTA podcasts make for compelling listening, whether it's about maximizing your potential or sharing a patient's story of transformation.

The Good Stuff: Members and the Profession in the Media, December 2020

Dec 16, 2020/Roundup

APTA members and profession in the media, December 2020 edition.

Physical Therapy and Sleep Health

Dec 15, 2020/Article

PTs and PTAs can play a unique role in addressing this major health factor.

Adapt and Thrive: Becoming a Professional in the Age of COVID

Dec 15, 2020/Perspective

I personally believe that when we truly experience something with all our senses, we are better able to make a connection.

An APTA Virtual Conference Experience Made Attendance Possible

Dec 14, 2020/Perspective

My favorite part of the conference was getting to meet other passionate students who are excited about this profession and have so many interests.

APTA in 2020, Part 1: Leadership in a Pandemic

Dec 14, 2020/News

During a challenging time, the value of the APTA community has been crystal clear.

APTA in 2020, Part 4: Fighting the Medicare Payment Cut

Dec 21, 2020/News

While a pandemic raged, together we advocated for the profession.

APTA in 2020, Part 3: Our Values in Action — Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Dec 17, 2020/News

Our efforts are rooted in the simple concept that greater diversity in the profession is key to its sustainability and, in turn, to achieving our transformative vision.

Researchers: 1 in 3 People Worldwide Had a Condition That Rehab Could've Helped

Jan 5, 2021/Review

A global study of disease burden finds a glaring need for rehab in primary care.

Update to CMS Payment Calculations Further Eases Impact of Cut

Jan 6, 2021/News

The new conversion factor released by CMS helps to offset the impact of fee schedule reductions for PT providers.