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Guidelines for Family-Centered Care in the Neonatal, Pediatric, and Adult ICU

Jan 1, 2017/CPG

Guidelines and evidence-based strategies to optimize the support of the family of critically ill patients in the ICU.

Work-Related Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Diagnosis and Treatment Guideline

Jan 1, 2017/CPG

Guideline reflects a best practice standard for the diagnosis and treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome for injured workers treated in the Washington workers’ compensation system.

Diagnosis of Acute Gout: A Clinical Practice Guideline From the American College of Physicians

Jan 3, 2017/CPG

Presents evidence and clinical recommendations on the diagnosis of gout, including the use of synovial fluid analysis when diagnostic testing is deemed necessary.

Peabody Developmental Motor Scales, Second Edition (PDMS-2)

Jan 27, 2017/Test & Measure

Peabody Developmental Motor Scales, Second Edition (PDMS-2)

Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) in Children and Adolescents

Jan 29, 2017/Clinical Summary

PTs play an active role in the rehabilitation and habilitation of children with SCI.

Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis in Adults: Diagnosis and Management [NICE CG163] [Updated]

May 23, 2017/CPG

Guideline covers diagnosing and managing idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in people aged 18 and over.

Guillain-Barré Syndrome

May 22, 2017/Clinical Summary

Patients receive medical and pharmacological treatment as the primary intervention, and physical rehabilitation to address musculoskeletal weakness and neurologic dysfunction.


May 25, 2017/Test & Measure

This is a measure of disability and symptoms in patients with musculoskeletal disorders that is region specific to the upper limb.

Spina Bifida: Myelomeningocele

May 25, 2017/Clinical Summary

PTs can help children and adults with spina bifida gain and maintain mobility and function at their best throughout all stages of life.


May 29, 2017/Clinical Summary

PTs work with patients with dementia to address mobility and strength limitations, minimize fall risk factors, and enhance the patient’s quality of life.