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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
Jun 16, 2022/Video
Learn about the importance of representation, Sankofa, and trustworthiness in the physical therapy profession.
Aug 13, 2018/Article
You're making your way through school or you're getting ready to graduate and are asking yourself, "What's next?"
Oct 19, 2018/News
APTA was recently named "Best in Business" by the Alexandria, VA, Chamber of Commerce.
Aug 17, 2018/Review
More hospitals should incorporate PTs into their emergency department workflow.
Feb 14, 2018/News
"The Good Stuff," is an occasional series that highlights recent, mostly local media coverage of physical therapy and APTA members, with an emphasis on good news and stories of how individual PTs and PTAs are transforming health care and society every day.
Jul 26, 2023/News
APTA-supported IDEA legislation has arrived on Capitol Hill; meanwhile, APTA is taking its message directly to congressional leaders.
Nov 22, 2021/Article
Review these practical steps that can be somewhat unique when providing cash-based services for an annual checkup by a physical therapist.
Jun 17, 2020/Roundup
PTs and PTAs are transforming health care and society every day.
May 29, 2017/News
APTA's toolkit helps PTs and PTAs understand—and be successful in—the UM environment.
Jul 1, 2017/Magazine
An SLP in a PT world