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MPPR Calculator Instructions

Jan 12, 2023/Resource

APTA's Outpatient Therapy Medicare Physician Fee Schedule calculator helps you determine your payment for services under Medicare.

Best Practice in Mentoring in Physical Therapy

Aug 30, 2018/Policies & Bylaws

House position: Provides information on best practice for mentoring colleagues, physical therapist and physical therapist assistant students, postprofessional students, residents and fellows.

Position Paper: Medicare Patient Empowerment Act

Jul 15, 2021/Position Paper

This act would allow a Medicare beneficiary to enter into a direct contract with an eligible provider, including PTs, for any item or service covered by Medicare.

Direct-to-Employer Services: Why PTs Should Work With Employers to Manage Population Health

Sep 14, 2021/Position Paper

There are plenty of good reasons for PTs to work directly with employers or employer groups to manage population health in addition to individual patients and clients.

Vulvodynia 2013 Guideline Update

Apr 1, 2014/CPG

This guideline presents recommendations for the management of vulvodynia. Vulvodynia is a complex disorder that can be difficult to treat. Most patients describe it as burning, stinging, irritation, or rawness.

PTPAC Newsletter Sign Up

Sign up for the quarterly PTPAC newsletter, featuring articles on the importance of PTPAC on Capitol Hill, what's happening in election races across the country, and PTPAC events at conferences.

APTA Strategic Alliances

APTA values partnerships to advance the physical therapy profession and to support the patients and consumers it serves.

Building Our Community

We connect you with peers who share your passion for advancing the profession and transforming society.

Wheelchair User’s Shoulder Pain Index (WUSPI)

Oct 28, 2014/Test & Measure

The WUSPI is a self-report measure of shoulder pain experienced during functional activities.

Shoulder Injury Medical Treatment Guidelines

Feb 1, 2015/CPG

These guidelines are for physicians/providers treating individuals qualifying under Colorado's Workers' Compensation Act as injured workers with upper extremity involvement.