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Your Help Needed to Guide Movement System Integration

Mar 6, 2019/News

APTA is leading the way in advancing the integration of the movement system as the core of physical therapist (PT) practice, education, and research. Now the association needs input from you to take an important next step: making the crucial leap from the conceptual to the practical through the development

Five Ways To Get Ahead on Concussion

Aug 11, 2021/Roundup

The next APTA Centennial Lecture presentation is about concussion assessment and management. Here are 5 resources to check out in advance.

3D Technology: All That's Fit to Print?

Sep 3, 2019/News

When it comes to 3D printing and physical therapy, the future is now—well, almost now. In the September issue of PT in Motion magazine: "A New Dimension to Physical Therapy," a feature article that explores the current use of 3D as well as its challenges and possibilities, as seen through the eyes of

The Good Stuff: Members and the Profession in the Media, June 2022

Jun 15, 2022/Roundup

Members' insight on everything from pelvic floor health to treadmill desks.

APTA Media Tour Delivers the "Choose to Move" Message

Oct 24, 2022/News

The importance of physical activity and the profession's movement expertise were featured in more than two dozen TV and radio interviews.

For Prospective PTCAS Programs

PTCAS is open to all Doctor of Physical Therapy education programs holding one of the following accreditation statuses with CAPTE.

Just Watch: Tune In to APTA Videos for Vision, Insight, and Self-Care

Oct 29, 2021/Roundup

Tired of binging on Netflix? Watched all the TikTok dances you care to see? Invest in your personal and professional development instead.

Skilled Maintenance Therapy Under Medicare

Medicare does indeed cover services to maintain or manage a beneficiary's current condition when no functional improvement is possible if the services are medically necessary and meet the skilled care requirements.

Precision Care and Big Data Are Key to Keeping Up, Maley Lecturer Says

Nov 1, 2022/Feature

Sue Whitney repeatedly challenged the profession to "think bigger" — including around the importance of collecting data.

CDC: Falls-Related Deaths in the US Rose 31% in 10 Years

May 15, 2018/News

The latest statistics, included in a report from the CDC point to a need for more widespread falls screening and prevention efforts including physical therapy, authors say.