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Credentialed Clinical Instructor Program Level 2

CCIP Level 2 applies and goes beyond the concepts of the structured learning environment of CCIP Level 1 to enable clinical educators to achieve the best outcomes for student learning.

Operative Insights

Mar 1, 2015/Column

A lesson-filled recovery.

Photo Collection: A Look at APTA's Centennial Celebration

Sep 28, 2021/Roundup

We honored our past, thought about our future, and had some good times along the way.

CMS Wants Medicare Advantage to Increase Telehealth Coverage

Oct 29, 2018/News

In a proposed rule, CMS gives the green light to expand coverage for telehealth in Medicare Advantage (MA) plans. But when—and if—those changes would affect PTs remains an open question.

Documentation: Conclusion of the Episode of Care Summary

Jan 31, 2018/Article

Discharge documentation should include the reason for the episode conclusion, the date of the episode conclusion, and an relevant objective or subjective information related to the patient's status. Some federal and non-federal payers governmental bodies and payors may require a discharge note for the

What a Difference a Day Makes: Researchers Say That for TKA, Post-Op Same-Day Physical Therapy Reduces Opioid Use and Shortens Length of...

Aug 23, 2019/Review

TKA patients who received physical therapy on the same day as their surgeries were able to walk more while in the hospital and had lower rates of opioid consumption during their stay compared with patients who didn't receive physical therapy until the day after their surgeries.

APTA, 95 Other Organizations to Congress: The Fee Schedule Just Isn't Working

Mar 9, 2022/News

A recent letter to committee leadership says that it's time for systemic change to the PFS and Quality Payment Program, which includes MIPS.

Report Reveals Continued Vacancy Challenges for Outpatient Clinics

Oct 18, 2023/News

A survey conducted by APTA and APTA Private Practice revealed a 10% vacancy rate, fueled in part by clinic growth.

Multiple Sclerosis in Adults: Management [NICE NG220]

Jun 22, 2022/CPG

This guideline covers diagnosing and managing multiple sclerosis in people aged 18 and over and aims to improve the quality of life for adults with multiple sclerosis. [Formerly NICE CG186.]

4-Square Step Test (FSST)

Oct 19, 2014/Test & Measure

Test of dynamic balance that clinically assesses the person's ability to step over objects forward, sideways, and backwards.