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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
Apr 24, 2019/News
The APTA NEXT Conference and Exposition has a reputation for on-point educational sessions and inspiring lectures, and this year's event, taking place in Chicago June 12-15, is no exception. But as anyone who attended a NEXT conference can tell you, there's more to it than that: NEXT offers hands-on
Apr 23, 2018/Perspective
During my clinicals I learned lessons that changed me personally and professionally.
Mar 1, 2015/Feature
APTA's chapters and sections are developing an array of creative, innovative programs for their members. In so doing, they're also helping patients and clients, and advancing the profession.
Feb 1, 2021/Feature
APTA expands efforts to make the profession inclusive, welcoming, and accessible to all.
Feb 24, 2021/Roundup
Maximizing mask performance, COVID-19 rehab units, vaccine supply and delivery news, and more.
Jun 11, 2018/Statement
APTA and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) urge the Departments of Homeland Security and Justice to end the policy of family separation.
Aug 12, 2020/Roundup
The coronavirus pandemic hasn't stopped research in other areas relevant to physical therapy. Here's part 3 of our roundup series.
Mar 30, 2018/News
Guest co-editors Steven George, PT, PhD, FAPTA, and Arlene Greenspan, PT, MPH, DrPH, describe the upcoming issue as "a good indication of the current state and possible future" of nonpharmacological approaches to pain.
Aug 27, 2021/Podcast
PTJ Editor-in-Chief Alan Jette, PT, PhD, FAPTA, talks with Kathleen Mangione, PT, PhD, FAPTA, about something critically important to physical therapists but rarely top of mind: treatment fidelity.
Nov 8, 2022/Review
A review of electronic health records also found white patients received services for musculoskeletal pain faster than Black patients.