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Functional Reach Test for Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Jan 25, 2015/Test & Measure

Functional Reach Test for Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Taking Precautions for Mobility and Exercise as Potential Aerosol-Generating Procedures

Jun 22, 2020/Article

Mobilization, exercise, and ambulation are potential aerosol-generating procedures, and PTs and PTAs should have access to appropriate protection.

Study: Delaying ACL Surgery in Favor of Exercise Therapy May Produce Better Outcomes in Patients With 'Prognostic Factors'

Jun 18, 2017/Review

For at least some, putting off ACL reconstruction surgery in favor of exercise therapy could be the way to go

What's the Best Post-TKA Intervention in the Acute Care Setting? There's No Easy Answer, Say Researchers

Jul 17, 2018/Review

Among the findings: "very low" evidence for the use of cryotherapy, accelerated rehabilitation, and neurostimulation in the first 7 post-op days.

APTA's Medicaid Advocacy Is (Mostly) a Mind of State

May 16, 2022/Perspective

Advocacy for Medicaid is different than Medicare advocacy. Here are a few things to keep in mind.

2023 APTA House of Delegates Recap

Sep 6, 2023/Roundup

APTA's representative body took on issues ranging from PTA education to equitable pay.

10-Meter Walk Test (10MWT) for Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)

May 21, 2013/Test & Measure

10-Meter Walk Test (10MWT) for Spinal Cord Injury

Research Review: Early Physical Therapy Works for Sciatica

Oct 8, 2020/Review

Researchers found that physical therapy started within three days of an initial PCP visit improved multiple outcomes.

Uncompensated Care: An Ongoing Challenge

Oct 1, 2021/Column

This APTA Magazine article recaps results from an APTA member survey that explored the amount of time PTs spend engaging in coordination-of-care activities without receiving payment.

Workplace Ergonomics

Nov 1, 2021/Column

APTA can help you understand workplace safety regulations and how to help employers meet compliance requirements.