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APTA Announces Partnership With Arthritis Foundation

Aug 19, 2020/News

The official relationship strengthens longstanding ties between the two organizations.

Benchmarking in Academic Physical Therapy

Jan 10, 2022/Podcast

The first wave of this study's findings provides insights into physical therapist education and identified differences between physical therapist and medical student perceptions.

Clinical and Research Readiness for Spinal Muscular Atrophy: The Time Is Now for Knowledge Translation

Jan 24, 2023/Podcast

Spinal muscular atrophy resources need knowledge translation.

Multiple Sclerosis in Adults: Management [NICE NG220]

Jun 22, 2022/CPG

This guideline covers diagnosing and managing multiple sclerosis in people aged 18 and over and aims to improve the quality of life for adults with multiple sclerosis. [Formerly NICE CG186.]

4-Square Step Test (FSST)

Oct 19, 2014/Test & Measure

Test of dynamic balance that clinically assesses the person's ability to step over objects forward, sideways, and backwards.

Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, Consolability (FLACC) Behavioral Pain Scale

Aug 14, 2017/Test & Measure

A behavioral pain assessment scale used for nonverbal or preverbal patients who are unable to self-report their level of pain.

Time To Defend the Profession: Add Your Voice in Opposition to Payment Cuts

Aug 11, 2020/News

We're making it easy to do your part to call for action against a proposed 9% Medicare payment cut. Momentum is building.

Adaptation, Reflection, and More Adaptation: Recent Graduates Use 3D Printer to Make PPE

Apr 29, 2020/Perspective

I have never worked harder in my life than I am now.

Swimming Against the Current: My Dad’s Fight Against Parkinson Disease

Jul 5, 2022/Perspective

Perhaps being so active delayed his diagnosis or the progression of his disease, and if it did, I’m grateful for the years of health, joy, and mobility it has given my father.

An Ethical Exploration of Microaggressions in Physical Therapy: Insight From APTA's Ethics & Judicial Committee

May 21, 2024/Podcast

Intentional or not, small slights have a large impact.