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The View From Capitol Hill: 5 Things for PTs and PTAs to Watch for in This Session of Congress

Sep 6, 2017/News

PT in Motion News asked APTA staff about the legislative issues that should be on the radar of PTs, PTAs, students, and their supporters. Here's the list of the top 5 issues to track over the coming weeks.

You Down With QPP? Watch and See (And Take the Quiz)

Aug 9, 2017/News

Since late 2015, APTA has been rolling out new resources to help members prepare for what's coming down the pike as CMS implements its Quality Payment Program (QPP).

PTJ: Preterm Infants Less Able to Explore, May Lead to Delays

Sep 11, 2017/News

Infants born preterm may be less able to perform certain motor and exploratory behaviors, which could lead to future cognitive and developmental delays, suggests a study in the September issue of PTJ.

CMS Wants to Scale Back CJR Bundling Program for TKA, THA; Proposes Cancelling Bundle Program for Cardiac Care, Eliminating Expansion...

Aug 16, 2017/News

CMS wants to significantly scale back the knee and hip joint replacement bundled care model and plans to cancel expansion of bundled care models to cardiac care and hip/femur fractures.

Making the Profession's Voice Heard on Home Health: Multifaceted Advocacy Efforts Deliver Strong Message to CMS

Oct 3, 2017/News

While CMS considers what to do with a proposed rule for reductions in care in home health, APTA and its members can be satisfied that the association, its components, and individual members mounted a strong, multifaceted education and advocacy effort that is likely to grab the agency's attention.

IOC Recommends 'Multi-Faceted' Approach to Pain Management in Elite Athletes

Sep 5, 2017/News

The International Olympic Committee issued a consensus statement recommending a comprehensive, multidisciplinary team approach to address “biomechanics and the kinetic chain continuum, and psychosocial and contextual domains" among elite athletes.

APTA Resource Makes it Easy to Deliver Personalized Comments On Proposed Home Health Rule

Aug 22, 2017/News

If a rule from CMS is adopted as proposed, PTs and PTAs who work in home health could find themselves in a very different payment environment as early as 2019. APTA offers a template letter for PTs and PTAs who want to comment on the proposed 2018 HH PPS.

CMS MAC Claims Review Process Will Move to More Targeted System

Aug 21, 2017/News

CMS will move away from its current practice of randomly selecting claims for audit in favor of a more targeted approach that it hopes will streamline the process and result in fewer appeals.

PT, PTA Students Use 'Flash Action' Against the Therapy Cap

Sep 20, 2017/News

In the middle of packed semesters, students from dozens of schools across the country participated in a nationwide effort to press for repeal of the therapy cap. In four days, more than 10,000 emails, letters, faxes, and phone calls went out to members of Congress

Foundation Funding Opportunities Available for 2018

Oct 17, 2017/News

The Foundation for Physical Therapy is now accepting applications for 2 major funding programs: the postprofessional 2018 Promotion of Doctoral Studies (PODS) Scholarship and the New Investigator Fellowship Training Initiative (NIFTI).