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Pro Bono Physical Therapy – Essential to Physical Therapy Education

Jul 16, 2017/Perspective

The clinic experience not only served as a place to help those without access to physical therapy, but also to develop my skills as a future clinician and professional.

My NSC Experience: I Will Be a Physical Therapist

Dec 18, 2017/Perspective

NSC 2017 was hands-down one of my favorite weekends throughout my time in physical therapy school.

Working Through the Pain: APTA Continues to Work for Expanded Patient Access to Physical Therapy for Pain Management

Sep 26, 2019/Open Access

Pain and pain management continue to be at the forefront of health care policy discussions.

Women Supported Into Leadership in Physical Therapy…Again

Nov 6, 2017/Perspective

When I attended CSM 2017, I wondered where all the female leaders were.

Finding Your Niche

Oct 9, 2017/Perspective

Today, I am the proud owner of my very own private practice. It wasn't always that way.

Why NSC?

Jul 11, 2017/Perspective

For those of you who don't know about NSC, let me share my enriching NSC experience with you.

Too Many Tools in Your Toolbox Makes It Hard to Carry

Aug 8, 2017/Perspective

As a new grad, how do you know where to start?

APTA Financial Solutions Center: Student Experience

May 24, 2017/Perspective

This is exactly what I needed to understand what smart spending actually is, and how to successfully get myself out of debt in a timely manner.

#FreshPT...Now What?

Jun 12, 2017/Perspective

I started and ended physical therapy school feeling the same way: like a deer in the headlights.

Failure to Communicate Can Leave You Between a Rock and a Hard Place

May 18, 2017/Article

A dominant theme across health care is the strong desire by the consumer to feel heard and understood.