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Serving Your Community as a Student

Sep 24, 2019/Perspective

Getting involved with PTDOS as a student is easy and a great way to connect your program with your local community.

Unlike Any Other APTA Conference

Sep 2, 2019/Article

The American Physical Therapy Association's (APTA's) National Student Conclave (NSC) is the only physical therapy conference designed for students, by students. This year NSC will be held October 31 to November 2, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Looking for that extra push to take the leap and register?

When the Team Falls Apart

Aug 18, 2019/Perspective

People slip through the cracks, but we have a unique role within the system to help seal those cracks and keep people moving forward.

Something I'll Never Forget

Jul 16, 2019/Perspective

I took the leap and applied for a project committee.

Many Different Ways to be an Active Member

Sep 29, 2019/Perspective

I had a sense of belonging. My journey of involvement began there.

APTA Has Helped Me Grow

Oct 27, 2019/Perspective

I wanted to get outside of my comfort zone.

My Professional Fire Burned Bright

Jul 17, 2019/Perspective

The networks I was forming would maximize my reach within this profession today and in the future.

My Sparked Interest

Jul 16, 2019/Perspective

It was impossible not to get excited about this inaugural event.

Lead Our Profession into the Future

Sep 29, 2019/Perspective

As students, our voices are heard and collectively we can make a difference.