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Compliance Issues in Cash Practice

May 24, 2020/Article

Regardless of the relationship a physical therapist chooses to have with payers, it is essential to practice in compliance with all laws and regulations.

Members Share their APTA CSM 'Best-Ofs'

Feb 18, 2022/Roundup

Compare your list, get fired up for next year's conference, and check out our on-demand CSM content available in March.

Quality Payment Program, Part 1: All About MIPS

Apr 1, 2017/Column

Reporting requirements for physical therapists (PTs) in private practice are changing under the Quality Payment Program-specifically through the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) and alternative payment models (APMs). (APMs).

Turning Concept Into Action: Creating a Roadmap for DEI Committees

Feb 16, 2021/Perspective

I was convinced there had to be a way to scale the access to this information and to get it into more hands at the click of a button rather than individual phone calls.

COVID Stimulus Package Includes Payment Increase, Opens Possibility of Increased Telehealth, More

Mar 27, 2020/News

The $2 trillion stimulus package passed by Congress and signed into law by President Trump is comprehensive in its scope.

#BetterTogether: APTA Participates in Development of Opioid Playbook for Interdisciplinary Care

Mar 15, 2018/Article

Ending the opioid epidemic will require collaboration among providers and professionals across the continuum of health care settings.

APTA, AOTA Postacute Care Study: Therapy Makes A Definitive Difference for Patients

Apr 6, 2021/News

The study of 1.4 million Medicare patients finds differing patient needs, but a consistent result: more therapy = better outcomes.

Coding and Billing Updates: The Move to Value-based Payment

May 30, 2020/Article

Recorded webinar from live Q & A (December 4, 2018)

Response To Proposed Motion To The Student Assembly Board of Directors

Oct 26, 2017/Article

In August 2016, a group of APTA Student Assembly members presented three motions to the Student Assembly Board of Directors.

Priceless: Financial Education for PTs, PTAs, & Students

Apr 3, 2018/Perspective

I'll be the first to say that I haven't always made the best financial decisions while in physical therapy school.