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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
Oct 24, 2024/Members Only
APTA members save $150 on an annual subscription to continuing education by MedBridge.
Sep 10, 2019/News
APTA's consumer-focused website adopted a new name—and a new look—to support consumer understanding of physical therapy.
Apr 29, 2019/News
Working across health care disciplines isn't a pipe dream: it's an increasingly important fact of professional life for physical therapists (PTs) and physical therapists assistants (PTAs). And physical therapy education programs are helping future PTs and PTAs respond to this reality by adapting curricula
Jun 29, 2017/News
Days after the Senate introduced a bill that threatens to weaken required essential health benefits, a trio of coalitions sponsored a briefing on Capitol Hill to highlight the value of rehabilitation and habilitation services,
Jul 12, 2021/Test & Measure
The Harris Infant Neuromotor Test (HINT) is a screening tool designed to identify neuromotor or cognitive/behavioral concerns in infants who are healthy or at high risk between the ages of 3 and 12 months.
Nov 1, 2017/Feature
More than 110 qualified clinical data registries are helping improve health care outcomes while demonstrating the value of specific interventions. Here's a look at some of them, and the benefits that APTA's Physical Therapy Outcomes Registry can offer the profession.
Apr 1, 2021/Podcast
Defining Moment: Reminiscences of a PT and mother.
Jun 22, 2021/Review
Authors say a better understanding of the factors associated with lower physical therapy use can help focus health care policy advocacy.
Nov 18, 2019/Podcast
Rachel Tavel, PT, DPT, discusses how her travel writer’s journey led her to a career in physical therapy.
Jun 7, 2019/News
The VA released final rules related to a completely retooled program that allows veterans more choice in health care providers.