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Summer Reading Recommendations For and By Students

Jul 28, 2019/Perspective

Kick back and relax with some reading recommendations for and by PT and PTA students:

My Nontraditional Journey in Pursuing This Incredible Career

Jul 9, 2019/Perspective

I divorced my career as a TV broadcaster and decided to pursue a career in physical therapy.

Essentials for Advancing You and Your Profession

Aug 22, 2019/Perspective

 2 minute read What do you think of when you hear the term advocacy? Do you roll your eyes? Or maybe let out a deep sigh when your professor brings it up? While some people certainly perk up at the concept, there are many of us who associate the term advocacy with some abstract thing we don't need to


Jul 1, 2020/Magazine

View letters to the editor, online comments from readers, and responses to timely questions that APTA poses for member response.

Food for Thought - and Action

Jul 1, 2020/Column

There's great power in seizing the moment.

Melissa Hofmann, PT, PhD

Jun 30, 2020/Author

Melissa C. Hofmann, PT, PhD, is co-chair of PT Proud and faculty at Regis University in the Physical Therapy Department. You can connect with Melissa on Twitter at @melhofmann.

Looking for the Zebras

Jul 1, 2021/Column

Every patient is a one in a million.

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Join APTA's Frontiers in Rehabilitation, Science and Technology Network.

How To Make Connections and Network at Your Next Professional Conference

Jan 20, 2020/Perspective

Here are my tips for students looking to expand their network.