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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
Aug 27, 2018/Perspective
It's a short and simple question and answering it used to make me uncomfortable, although it never should have.
This award recognizes a physical therapist for an outstanding article in PTJ: Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Journal prepared while they were a student.
Apr 30, 2019/News
There may be just about as many approaches to battling the opioid crisis as there are organizations committed to the fight—but now APTA and more than 100 other groups will be sharing experiences and learning from each other by way of a collaborative effort led by the National Academy of Medicine (NAM).
Sep 21, 2018/News
This year, 4 PTs were honored for their service to the profession at the state level.
Jan 31, 2018/News
In an article written for the HuffPost, APTA member Lora "Lori" Mize and certified clinical specialist in women's health physical therapy, raised concern that the Nassar case also may create a ripple effect that could discourage individuals from seeking legitimate and responsibly delivered pelvic physical
Jul 25, 2022/Review
Physical therapy payment isn't impacted by the Medicare payment rule, but the proposal opens a door for comment on pain management.
Jul 14, 2021/News
APTA's celebration of National Physical Therapy Month will include spotlights on members who do volunteer work. You could be among them.
Nov 28, 2023/Podcast
Can a shift in payment models impact the quality of care?
Apr 14, 2020/News
Emphasis is on the importance of the PT's professional judgment,
Apr 6, 2021/News
The study of 1.4 million Medicare patients finds differing patient needs, but a consistent result: more therapy = better outcomes.