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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
Mar 13, 2018/Perspective
I have been fortunate to work in a facility that values and has mastered the utilization of the PT–PTA intraprofessional team.
Apr 2, 2018/News
"Combat athletes"—individuals who compete in sports such as boxing, wrestling, mixed martial arts, and Brazilian jiu jitsu—subject their bodies to intensely demanding situations that can lead to serious injury. But PTs and PTAs can be instrumental in helping them recover from (and even prevent) those
Mar 30, 2018/News
An HHS OIG report makes claims about physical therapy billing under Medicare, and both CMS and APTA are pointing out how flawed processes and misinterpretations are coloring the findings.
Oct 13, 2021/Roundup
This month's collection of members sharing their expertise and experiences in the media.
Aug 22, 2023/Roundup
It's not all about the cuts. CMS is also signaling the possibility of some major positive changes — and your opinion matters.
Aug 19, 2020/Roundup
Recent media coverage of physical therapy and APTA members.
Feb 24, 2021/News
You don't have to miss out on APTA's virtual conference — register now, and access content until March 31.
Apr 30, 2020/News
The change now includes PTs among the health care providers permitted to bill for real-time face-to-face services using telehealth.
May 18, 2022/Perspective
An autistic PT identifies some of the things autistic adults would like their physical therapists to know.
Feb 1, 2017/Column
The benefits of boxing to patients and a practitioner.