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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
Nov 3, 2020/Perspective
We have a very sweet spot as professionals to not only help those already hurting, but also help facilitate movement experiences.
Sep 23, 2019/Review
A survey of PTs in Spain revealed that about half had experienced moderate-to-high levels of LBP in the last 30 days.
Oct 12, 2021/Perspective
"My volunteer experiences have helped me appreciate life beyond an episode of care for people with disabilities."
Mar 8, 2017/Perspective
I don't study after 5:00 pm or on weekends, and my GPA is doing as well as ever.
Sep 1, 2015/Column
As provisions of the new law take effect, PTs had best adopt quality measures and learn more about innovative care-delivery models being created in their communities.
Feb 16, 2021/Perspective
I was convinced there had to be a way to scale the access to this information and to get it into more hands at the click of a button rather than individual phone calls.
Mar 27, 2020/News
The $2 trillion stimulus package passed by Congress and signed into law by President Trump is comprehensive in its scope.
Mar 15, 2018/Article
Ending the opioid epidemic will require collaboration among providers and professionals across the continuum of health care settings.
Apr 1, 2017/Column
Reporting requirements for physical therapists (PTs) in private practice are changing under the Quality Payment Program-specifically through the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) and alternative payment models (APMs). (APMs).
May 24, 2020/Article
Regardless of the relationship a physical therapist chooses to have with payers, it is essential to practice in compliance with all laws and regulations.