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Transition DPT FAQs

Dec 1, 2019/Open Access

The correct degree nomenclature for the professional (entry-level) and the postprofessional transition clinical doctorate is "DPT." In these FAQs, the nomenclature "postprofessional DPT " has been used to distinguish the DPT degree conferred upon completion of a transition program from the DPT conferred

Medicare National Correct Coding Initiative

CMS developed the NCCI to promote national correct coding methodologies and to control improper coding that leads to inappropriate payment in Part B claims.

Coding Interpretations: Group Therapy patient Scenarios

Dec 5, 2019/Article

APTA provides its interpretation of the one-on-one and group codes, using patient care scenarios and an analysis of the proper coding for them.

What To Know About Blood-Flow Restriction Training

Feb 13, 2018/Article

BFRT is part of the professional scope of practice for physical therapists.

Education and Workforce Legislation Advocacy

More needs to be done to care for the physical therapy workforce.

Get On The List

Feb 21, 2019/News

Funds raised will help support researchers.

How I Got Out of My PT School Rut

Jul 11, 2019/Perspective

I needed something more.

Study: CMS Should Pay Closer Attention to Chronic Wounds

Oct 16, 2017/News

In its push toward outcomes-based models, CMS needs to take a closer look at wound care, say authors of a new study that estimates nearly 15% of all Medicare beneficiaries experience chronic nonhealing wounds at an annual cost of nearly $32 billion.

Proposed Home Health Rule Includes $80 Million Reduction in 2018, Potential $950 Million Reduction and Move to 30-Day Episodes in 2019

Jul 26, 2017/News

CMS issued a proposed rule for the 2018 Medicare home health prospective payment system (HH PPS) that would continue a planned series of cuts that began in 2014, with an estimated overall 0.4% reduction, or about $80 million, scheduled for next year.

Senate Recesses Without Health Care Vote: Keep These 3 Things in Mind

Jun 30, 2017/News

The US Senate will be entering its July 4th recess without voting on a bill to repeal and replace major provisions of the ACA. With the next opportunity for a Senate vote at least a week away, here are few things to keep in mind during the recess.