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Financial Literacy Month Podcast: Improve Your Personal Financial Health With APTA Member Benefits

Apr 7, 2019/Perspective

Student loans are a source of stress, not only for current students but for physical therapists and physical therapist assistants in the workforce. APTA provides 2 valuable resources to help members make educated financial decisions. Enrich is an individualized financial education platform that teaches

Keep Track of Your Professional Development Activities with aPTitude

Aug 15, 2017/News

FSBPT offers aPTitude, a free, online system for you to store your professional development activities.

An Early Look at the Proposed 2022 Fee Schedule

Jul 22, 2021/Podcast

The proposed 2022 Medicare fee schedule is here, and as expected, cuts and the PTA differential are moving forward.

APTA's PD Guidelines: Your Comments Needed by July 14

Jul 1, 2021/News

The draft CPG, rooted in a review of current research, addresses a wide range of topics.

Save Up to 29% on HPSO Liability Insurance

APTA members can save up to 29% on their liability insurance, which provides broad coverage designed for physical therapists.

APTA Nonmember Affiliate Application

Jan 12, 2023/Form

APTA's nonmember affiliate options (including academic, international, and rehab provider) is for individuals who aren't eligible for official membership.

Pointed Pleasures

Sep 1, 2019/Column

Helping children with disabilities experience the power of dance.

Can Cognitive and Physical Activity in Midlife Reduce the Risk of Dementia in Later Years? Researchers Say Yes

Feb 25, 2019/Review

Physical activity in midlife can pay off years later by reducing the risk of some forms of dementia.

Study: Early Physical Therapy for Neck Pain Associated With Lower Imaging Rates, Opioid Prescriptions, and Overall Cost

Dec 4, 2018/Review

Researchers have identified an association between early consultation with a PT and lower rates of opioid prescription, imaging, and injections.