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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
Apr 14, 2023/Annual Report
In 2022 we approached our mission with renewed energy, driven by an engaged membership that not only sees the potential for our profession, but is committed to action. Explore highlights of our impact in APTA's 2022 Annual Report.
May 2, 2023/Review
Echoing a CPG on carpal tunnel syndrome from two APTA academies, authors advocate a combination of diagnostic approaches.
Apr 24, 2023/News
Elections will be held on July 8 during a virtual meeting of the APTA House of Delegates.
Apr 25, 2023/Podcast
Editor-in-Chief Alan Jette discusses academic career earnings and the projected shortage of physical therapy researchers with Alexander Garbin and Jennifer Stevens-Lapsley, whose recent study evaluated the short- and long-term financial impacts of a full-time PhD program for physical therapists with
May 1, 2023/Article
Kudos to two recent Defining Moment authors, and a PT with a rare condition works to remember her “why.”
May 1, 2023/Column
Navigating the boundaries of professional and personal relationships can be challenging.
May 1, 2023/Review
The survey was conducted in Brazil — could the same be true in the U.S.? APTA member resources can help eliminate EBP obstacles.
May 8, 2023/Podcast
APTA staff experts discuss what will be changing after the PHE ends on May 11 — and what won't.
May 9, 2023/Podcast
Determining discharge patterns in Medicare Advantage plans.
May 12, 2023/Review
The new resource, designed specifically for PTs and PTAs, includes evidence-based and best-practice recommendations.