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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
Jul 15, 2020/News
Members are doing some awesome things.
Jul 22, 2020/News
Two members of Alex Smith's care team will join Stephania Bell for a closer look at the powerful ESPN documentary.
Jul 24, 2020/Podcast
Jason Falvey, PT, DPT, PhD, lays out key challenges facing the physical therapy profession, key research priorities, and key opportunities as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Jul 23, 2020/Podcast
Hunter and Jette share some of the experiences and insights of the total knee arthroplasty guideline development group.
Jul 1, 2020/Podcast
As we move through life, we are confronted by moments, unexpected and unplanned, that can change us forever, if only we allow them to do so. By Ann W. Jackson, PT, DPT, MPH
Oct 1, 2020/Feature
PTs are making their mark in what has become a billion-dollar industry.
Less than four months in, APTA’s unified brand initiative is producing results.
Sep 22, 2020/Roundup
This PT uses humor, her understanding of pain, and personal experience to treat PFD.
Sep 22, 2020/News
The magnitude of falls as a public health issue is significant — but more attention to falls prevention could make a difference.
Sep 29, 2020/News
157 bipartisan representatives want CMS to delay implementation of proposed cuts while Congress works out a solution.