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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
Apr 24, 2023/News
The association's latest TV and radio spots highlight long COVID as one example of isolating conditions that can be improved by physical therapy.
Mar 12, 2021/Open Access
Our centennial year is off to a fast start, with thousands of members engaging in our January Founders’ Day celebration and the virtual APTA Combined Sections Meeting.
Sep 1, 2020/Open Access
This year's theme is the role of the PT and PTA in improving physical activity. You got this.
May 24, 2015/Test & Measure
This is an objective test of a variety of gait and mobility functions such as running, hopping, stair navigation, backward walking in patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI).
Dec 10, 2018/Review
When it comes to management of low back pain, PTs know just as much—and sometimes more—than the family practice physicians who often are sought for primary care.
Dec 13, 2017/News
The degree to which the "big 5" private health insurers have come to rely on Medicare and Medicaid for their revenues may be the key to increasing their involvement in the ACA's individual marketplaces, according to authors of a new analysis in Health Affairs.
Feb 5, 2019/Perspective
APTA serves as a catalyst for success.
Feb 26, 2020/Interview
Simpson has been inspiring PTs for over half a century — through her bravery during segregation and as an advocate for people with mental health and intellectual disabilities.
Jul 27, 2012/Policies & Bylaws
House position: APTA is committed to serving the needs of all people who require physical therapy and to meeting the needs of all its members.
Sep 20, 2019/Policies & Bylaws
House position: APTA supports physical therapists applying for and being granted practice privileges in institutional settings.