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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
The public review period for the telerehabilitation clinical practice guideline has ended. The final guidance will be published in APTA's scientific journal, PTJ: Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Journal. Look for this paper in early 2024.
Jun 16, 2023/News
Three member PTs will provide the profession's voice in the areas of movement disorders and non-pressure ulcer wounds.
Jun 19, 2023/Article
Emmanuel John showed the societal cost of a nondiverse physical therapy profession and urged a new approach to making progress.
Jul 1, 2023/Feature
For patients with burns, rehabilitation can be challenging — and often entails significant use of physical therapist services.
Jul 1, 2023/Article
APTA’s DEI toolkit; letters about accessible playgrounds and a reflection on the APTA Consumer Awareness Research Report.
Jun 21, 2023/Review
Authors analyzed accelerometer data to objectively measure patient movement for 48 hours after elective surgery.
Jul 5, 2023/Review
Several APTA members helped create the new guidance on how best to integrate exercise, diet, and other elements into RA management.
Aug 9, 2023/News
The 2023 APTA Leadership Congress, held July 21-25, in Washington, D.C., once again brought together leadership groups from across the association to advance the profession, build the APTA community, and learn from each other.
Jul 28, 2023/Article
MIPS reporting, value pathways, promoting interoperability, and more.
Aug 15, 2023/Podcast
One of the biggest ethical issues in the profession is balancing productivity and quality patient care.