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The Art of Physical Therapy

Nov 14, 2017/Perspective

There are some aspects of being a health care professional that can't be taught.

BMJ: Guideline Strongly Recommends Against Arthroscopy for 'Nearly All' Patients With Knee OA or Meniscal Tears

May 12, 2017/News

A new guideline makes a strong recommendation against the use of arthroscopy in nearly all patients with degenerative knee disease. Instead, authors recommend conservative treatment for nearly all patients.

Finding My Way: “Listen to your gut”

Nov 1, 2017/Perspective

As a DPT student, Keaton Ray was struggling to identify her professional passion. Then she got involved in student leadership, developed mentor peers, and figured out when to say yes or no to her many opportunities. In this kickoff episode of APTA's new "Finding My Way" podcast series, Keaton reflects

Finding My Way: “I took chances”

Nov 30, 2017/Perspective

Heather Cronin has a habit of running late. So when she found herself showing up early to her clinical rotations with geriatric patients, she knew which patient population she loved to treat. In this episode of "Finding My Way," Heather discusses how she fell in love with geriatric physical therapy and

Grit From the Gridiron

Nov 1, 2020/Column

Physical therapy can help heal emotional wounds, too.

Telehealth: What's Next?

Dec 1, 2020/Column

We made a variety of temporary gains in patients' remote access to physical therapist services. Now we need to make them permanent.

Another Kind of Mobility

Aug 1, 2020/Column

Serving patients where they live, through a different practice model.

Why You Should Consider Participating in Medicaid

May 1, 2021/Column

We're correcting some common misconceptions about the Medicaid program to encourage you to enroll.

Therapy Outcomes in Post-Acute Care Settings Chart Book

Apr 6, 2021/Open Access

Review key background and objectives; how beneficiaries compare across settings; key findings; discussion and policy implications.

The Patient as a Whole

Dec 4, 2019/Perspective

Learning the best techniques and latest research is important, but it is not the only way to impact patient treatment.