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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
Oct 31, 2018/Review
A study supports the validity of physical therapy as first-line option for treatment.
Oct 5, 2018/News
Expansive legislation aimed at battling the opioid crisis will soon become law, complete with provisions that echo APTA's recommendations.
Oct 29, 2018/News
In a proposed rule, CMS gives the green light to expand coverage for telehealth in Medicare Advantage (MA) plans. But when—and if—those changes would affect PTs remains an open question.
Oct 23, 2018/News
The 2019 APTA CSM, set for January 23-26 in Washington, DC, offers multiple sessions all at 1 meeting that help clarify the ins and outs of payment, particularly around the Medicare and Medicaid systems.
Oct 15, 2018/News
A bipartisan group of 103 legislators signed on to a request for investigations around the use of prior authorization in MA.
Oct 26, 2018/News
APTA member Dani Burt, PT, DPT, has a knack for turning inspiration into…more inspiration.
Now available for free download: MedPAC's latest version of "Payment Basics," a series of informational sheets that describe the need-to-know elements of 20 different Medicare payment systems.
Aug 21, 2018/News
MedPAC is dead wrong when it says that increases to E/M payment should be paid for by cuts to physical therapy-related payment.
Aug 20, 2018/Roundup
CMS spent its spring and summer issuing proposed and final rules, some of which contain major shifts in payment and reporting.
Aug 1, 2018/News
The final 2019 rules for SNFs and IRFs are substantially similar to what CMS proposed in the spring, but that's not to say PTs should assume it's a "same rule, different year" situation.