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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
Aug 11, 2021/Review
Research in the military health care system revealed lower costs and symptom recurrence for patients who saw a PT within 30 days.
Aug 17, 2021/News
The Leon Anderson Jr. and Lynda Woodruff Black PT Heritage Room was made possible through an American Academy of Physical Therapy gift.
Aug 4, 2021/News
A recent letter to House and Senate leaders says it's the wrong system at the wrong time.
Aug 24, 2021/Perspective
As clinicians we want to optimize our ability to return our patients and clients to their desired sports.
Aug 11, 2021/News
Alumni of Stanford University, where Worthingham taught, made the dedication through a donation to APTA's Minority Scholarship Fund.
Aug 20, 2021/News
The Oct. 22-24 event is built around the importance of developing habits than can ensure a strong future for physical therapy education.
Nov 23, 2020/Perspective
Medicare Status and Medicare Advantage
Nov 18, 2020/Interview
Entering the profession as a PT or PTA during a pandemic is something none of us has experienced.
Nov 9, 2020/Review
A new systematic review finds plenty of strong evidence but sees a "disconnect" when it comes to referrals.
Dec 1, 2020/Feature
You're invited to multiple events to mark APTA's 100th birthday and the future of physical therapy.