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AOTA, APTA, and ASHA Joint Statement and Call for Professional Action on COVID-19 Vaccination and Education

Aug 2, 2021/News

Individually and collectively, we are committed to addressing this public health crisis with the best information, evidence, and resources.

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APTA published content, including and other APTA websites, is copyright protected and requires prior written approval from APTA for its use, unless otherwise noted. For information on how to obtain reprint permission, please follow the below instructions. Permissions requests must be in writing.

Financial Resources To Help You in Your Career and Your Life

Apr 1, 2021/Perspective

After exploring the APTA Financial Solutions Center, I feel more comfortable and in control of my financial situation.

PT in Motion Magazine Looks at PTs in Primary Care

Dec 4, 2018/News

The magazine takes an in-depth look at PTs in the primary care space, where they assume roles that range from a "roving PT" member of a multidisciplinary primary care team, to a clinician in private practice who is often a patient's first point of contact with the health care system.

In Wake of Nassar Conviction, PT Points to Need for Patient Education on Legitimate Pelvic Physical Therapy

Jan 31, 2018/News

In an article written for the HuffPost, APTA member Lora "Lori" Mize and certified clinical specialist in women's health physical therapy, raised concern that the Nassar case also may create a ripple effect that could discourage individuals from seeking legitimate and responsibly delivered pelvic physical

Expanding Opportunities In a Compact Way

Dec 1, 2018/Column

Do you want to provide physical therapist services in more than one state? The Physical Therapy Licensure Compact may help you achieve your goal.

Helping You Thrive

We provide you with pathways for success throughout your career journey.

Coronavirus Update: April 8, 2020

Apr 8, 2020/News

Expanded APTA resources on patient management, weekly CDC COVID-19 summaries, and an adjusted coronavirus model.

Evidence-Based Resources: APTA Keeps Members Up To Speed

Mar 23, 2022/Roundup

APTA continues to expand an important member benefit. Here are the latest additions.

Physical Therapist Management of Patients With or Recovering From COVID-19

Mar 1, 2023/Open Access

Access information and guidelines on COVID-19 based on national and international recommendations and guidelines.