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Does Everyone Have a Unique Muscle Activation 'Fingerprint?' Researchers Say Yes

Nov 18, 2019/Review

Researchers believe humans possess muscle activation "signatures" that are as unique to each individual as fingerprints or iris structure.

CMS Hospital Discharge Rule Puts the Focus on Patient Choice, Goals in Postacute Care

Oct 2, 2019/Review

The big picture: a better patient discharge process that falls short in some areas.

Study: 54% of Middle-Income Seniors Won't be Able to Afford Assisted Living Costs, Medical Expenses in 10 Years

May 1, 2019/Review

As the wave of aging baby boomers advances, the middle-income elderly population could find itself struggling.

Proposed SNF Rule Relaxes Group Therapy Requirements, Increases Payment by 2.5%

Apr 22, 2019/News

In a proposed change strongly supported by APTA, skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) could see more flexibility when it comes to the number of residents considered acceptable for "group therapy" under Medicare. The loosened definition is part of the proposed fiscal year (FY) 2020 payment rule for SNFs

Viewpoints: September 2024

Sep 1, 2024/Column

APTA President Herr: 4 Takes on Embracing Change for the Better

Boston Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire (BCTQ)

Aug 16, 2017/Test & Measure

This is a patient-reported questionnaire that examines symptom severity and overall functional status of patients with carpal tunnel syndrome.

Public Service Award


This award recognizes public servants who have enhanced the profession of physical therapy.

Reporting Fraud and Abuse

Mar 1, 2020/Article

Suspect that something may be wrong? Follow your available internal channels first. If that doesn't resolve the issue, consider these additional steps.

CARES Act Provider Relief: Sorting Out the Details

Apr 22, 2020/News

HHS continues to shed light on how providers can know if they're receiving money as it eases concerns about who qualifies.

How to Develop an RFP

Aug 1, 2017/Feature

A request for proposal, or RFP, is a tool practices can use to make informed purchasing decisions.