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2023 Fee Schedule Calculator Now Available to APTA Members

Jan 17, 2023/News

The updated member benefit helps you see how CMS changes to the fee schedule, coding, and other issues will affect your practice.

APTA Wants You for Dinner

Apr 30, 2021/News

Wait, that didn't come out right: It's our national advocacy dinner on May 4, and you're invited.

Implementing Telehealth in Your Practice STAT: Guidance from Telehealth PTs

Mar 26, 2020/Article

Providers will discuss how they manage patients and deliver effective care from a distance in pediatric, neurological, women’s health, orthopedic settings.

Health Benefits Marketplace

Jul 21, 2022/Members Only

APTA and APTA Private Practice have collaborated with Decisely to provide affordable health solutions to help our members reduce their health care costs.

Scholarships and Awards for Students

Jan 1, 2022/Article

See if you are eligible for these financial rewards for APTA student members.


Sep 1, 2018/Magazine

Viewpoints: Online Comments

Ernest A. Burch Jr. Dies at 91

May 11, 2020/News

The former APTA vice president helped lead the way in the establishment of autonomous physical therapist practice in Maryland.

APTA Fellowship in Higher Education Leadership Graduates Recognized

Jul 22, 2022/News

Now celebrating its 10th anniversary, the award-winning program continues to help educators hone their leadership skills.

Three Years of Physical Therapy in a Public Health Emergency

May 10, 2023/News

APTA member surveys show profession returning to pre-pandemic norms, with some lingering changes.

Win: Medicare Contractors Will Continue to Pay for Remote Therapeutic Monitoring

May 24, 2023/News

The decision to back off from locally based coverage decisions was fueled by APTA advocacy efforts.