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PTJ Author Interview With Amit Kumar: Value-Based Programs and Initiating Home Health Care After Joint Replacement

Nov 28, 2023/Podcast

Can a shift in payment models impact the quality of care?

Study: Early Physical Therapy for Neck Pain Associated With Lower Imaging Rates, Opioid Prescriptions, and Overall Cost

Dec 4, 2018/Review

Researchers have identified an association between early consultation with a PT and lower rates of opioid prescription, imaging, and injections.

The Medicare Payment Cuts: History, What We're Doing, and Your Role in the Fight

Aug 20, 2021/Article

What you need to know about the cuts' origins, the system that created them, and the ways APTA has been advocating for the profession.

Workers' Comp Research Group: Early Physical Therapy for LBP Is a Win-Win

Sep 21, 2020/News

The report, focused on workers' comp recipients, concludes that early physical therapy for LBP improves outcomes and saves money.

Chattanooga Research Award


This award recognizes an author or team whose published work in PTJ: Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Journal presents innovative study or a theoretical model and discussion of its impact on future clinical practice or physical therapy research.

Digital Health Technology Outside the U.S.

Sep 20, 2022/Article

As digital health technology continues to evolve and incorporate into clinical care, APTA has identified resources from the international community that can enhance your digital literacy.

Believe the APTA Hype

Apr 14, 2019/Perspective

My APTA experience has lived up to the hype!

An Atypical Time in an Atypical Way

Jun 23, 2019/Perspective

My love for advocacy was ignited.

Confirming and Reaffirming

Oct 1, 2021/Column

Defining moments can come more than once in life, as with a move to America, the birth of a baby, starting a practice, and a being thrown a curveball.