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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
Feb 1, 2016/Feature
Many health plans are "narrowing" their provider networks in an attempt to control costs. What does this mean for individual therapy practices? That all depends.
Feb 1, 2022/Feature
A novel treatment not long ago, blood flow restriction training is rapidly being used by more and more physical therapists.
Feb 1, 2022/Column
Every practice setting has its challenges and special circumstances, but they all share professional expectations and responsibilities.
Aug 1, 2022/Feature
The PT Compact has streamlined the process for PTs and PTAs to serve patients across state borders.
Sep 1, 2022/Feature
The June issue of APTA Magazine includes a feature that should resonate with PTs and PTAs. Titled "Good Fit: Physical Therapy and Value-Based Care," the article describes how the shift from fee-for-service to a value-based health care model promotes optimized patient access and early intervention.
Sep 14, 2022/Roundup
Members on everything from exercises for climbers to home-office aches, along with coverage of some notable achievements.
Aug 4, 2023/News
APTA members now have access to an online resource that helps PTs identify evidence-supported apps that meet rigorous standards.
Access recordings from live webinars and Facebook Live events hosted by APTA on topics related to Coronavirus (COVID-19) impacting health care, practice, and your patients. Additional recordings will be posted here as they become available.
Jul 10, 2015/Report
In 2015, FSBPT set out to define what PTs must know and be able to do to perform dry needling safely and effectively. This study reveals the answers.
Jul 1, 2016/CPG
Answers and provide recommendations for key population, intervention, comparator, outcomes (PICO) questions regarding fall-related injuries in adults 65 and older.