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My NSC Experience: I Will Be a Physical Therapist

Dec 18, 2017/Perspective

NSC 2017 was hands-down one of my favorite weekends throughout my time in physical therapy school.

Proposed 2023 Outpatient Payment Rule Presents Advocacy Opportunity

Jul 25, 2022/Review

Physical therapy payment isn't impacted by the Medicare payment rule, but the proposal opens a door for comment on pain management.

An Invitation To Travel to a Place of Self-Reflection

Mar 18, 2022/Perspective

Have you had a looking glass moment? Are you open to the truths and different possible realities that are reflected through the looking glass? A moment of pausing and reflecting can have a lasting impact.

#FreshPT...Now What?

Jun 12, 2017/Perspective

I started and ended physical therapy school feeling the same way: like a deer in the headlights.

Yes, You Can: How to Invest in Your Career While Paying Down Debt

Apr 13, 2022/Perspective

Paying off debt doesn't have to mean putting career advancement on hold.


Mar 1, 2018/Magazine

PTs Must Demonstrate Their Value

The Injury That Changed My Trajectory

May 3, 2018/Perspective

At the physical therapy clinic people, despite the various injuries and conditions, could very much relate to my physical and emotional pain.

Behind the Numbers: Keeping the Patient at the Center of Pain Management

Feb 25, 2018/Article

  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that over 115 people die from opioid overdose every day in the United States. In 2016 alone, 11.5 million people misused prescription opioids. According to a Washington Post/Kaiser Family Foundation survey: 34% of respondents who had taken

APTA Centennial Scholars Spotlight

Sep 1, 2022/Column

This month, APTA Magazine spotlights APTA Centennial Scholar Constanza "Connie" Aranda, PT, DPT, MSPH.

Infectious Disease Control

Preventing infectious disease is everyone's responsibility. Know what you need to do.