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Movement System Timeline

May 22, 2024/Resource

The following is a timeline outlining the work of various member groups to move the movement system concept forward.

Societal Impact Award


This award specifically recognizes individuals who exemplify the compassionate nature of the physical therapy profession by exhibiting a distinguished commitment toward philanthropic initiatives, raising public awareness on key societal issues, and demonstrating how physical therapy can be applied to

New Pilot Study Opportunities Available From CoHSTAR

Apr 9, 2019/News

The Center on Health Services Training and Research (CoHSTAR) has opened a call for the development of multiple pilot studies that would help set the stage for larger efforts to advance a wide range of health services research. APTA was a major financial contributor to the development of CoHSTAR, having

Shaping the Future of PT Clinical Education: Your Perspective Needed

Aug 9, 2017/News

A sweeping effort to create a shared vision for PT clinical education has led to a set of recommendations that could help shape the future of the profession. Now your input is needed.

The Road That Chose Me

Aug 1, 2015/Column

The effects of a bicycle accident were immediate and lasting.

New APTA-Supported CPG Looks at Best Ways to Improve Walking Speed, Distance for Individuals After Stroke, Brain Injury, and Incomplete SCI

Jan 7, 2020/Review

Aerobic walking training and virtual reality treadmill training are the interventions most strongly tied to improvements.

From PTJ: A Cheaper Alternative to Expensive Tech for Gait Analysis Poststroke?

Nov 28, 2023/Review

Researchers say that videos fed into a “pose estimation” algorithm produced gait data comparable to results from motion capture technology.

Studies Show Faster Walking Associated With Lower Risk for Type 2 Diabetes

Dec 6, 2023/Review

Researchers found that brisk walking — 4 mph or more — was associated with a 39% drop in risk.

A Secret to Overcoming Stress: Volunteer

May 14, 2018/Perspective

I found joy in volunteering by being part of something bigger than myself.

6-Minute Walk Test (6MWT) for Stroke

Jun 12, 2013/Test & Measure

Measures aerobic capacity; gait.