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#FightTheCut on Capitol Hill: Momentum Builds for Legislative Remedy to 9% Cut

Dec 9, 2020/News

Senators push for a fix, support grows for a bill to offset the cuts, and APTA says keep the calls coming to Capitol Hill.

Sharp-Purser Test (SPT)

May 31, 2017/Test & Measure

Used in clinical practice to help diagnose atlantoaxial instability (AAI).

No Tengas Vergüenza: We Need To Step Out of Our Language Comfort Zones

Feb 1, 2021/Perspective

Language differences can be a barrier to providing the best care we can provide, and it's up to us to address those differences.

Yes, We Can: How a Millennial Mindset Can Help PTs Improve the Health of Society

May 14, 2018/Perspective

We need to see the need, address it with creativity, and attack challenges without fear of failure.

What Do You Do?

Aug 27, 2018/Perspective

It's a short and simple question and answering it used to make me uncomfortable, although it never should have.

APTA House of Delegates

Our House of Delegates is made up of APTA members from across the country who adopt motions to guide the profession and association.

Neck Flexor Muscle Endurance Test

May 31, 2017/Test & Measure

Measures, in supine, the ability to lift the head and neck against gravity for an extended period.

The Good Stuff: Members and the Profession in the Media, February 2019

Feb 13, 2019/News

"The Good Stuff" is an occasional series that highlights recent media coverage of physical therapy and APTA members, with an emphasis on good news and stories of how individual PTs and PTAs are transforming health care and society every day. Enjoy! The power of Darfur United: Alexandra Nuttall-Smith,

Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) Physical Function (PF), PROMIS PF

May 16, 2019/Test & Measure

PROMIS PF is used as an outcome in research on the effectiveness of interventions.

Beyond the Sessions: 7 NEXT Opportunities Worth Checking Out

Apr 24, 2019/News

The APTA NEXT Conference and Exposition has a reputation for on-point educational sessions and inspiring lectures, and this year's event, taking place in Chicago June 12-15, is no exception. But as anyone who attended a NEXT conference can tell you, there's more to it than that: NEXT offers hands-on