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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
Jun 26, 2020/Test & Measure
Aug 4, 2020/Resource
Research validates that early access to physical therapy can prevent acute pain from becoming chronic pain.
Aug 7, 2020/Members Only
APTA members receive an extra 5% to 10% off sale prices on Dell products.
Aug 20, 2020/Policies & Bylaws
House position: Supports collaborative practice and business models that are innovative, ethical, and person-centered.
House position: Supports collaboration among all physical therapy education stakeholders to achieve financial transparency.
House position: Supports WCPT selecting meeting locations for future WCPT congresses that adhere to its current policy statement related to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Aug 13, 2020/Policies & Bylaws
The American Physical Therapy Association supports efforts by physical therapists and physical therapist assistants to transform the delivery of health services and achieve the goal of zero preventable patient harm.
Jan 1, 2018/Resource
This report presents data on the number of patients seen by therapists and the number of patient visits as a measure of productivity.
Apr 8, 2020/CPG
This clinical practice guideline includes a statement that defines the role of vestibular rehabilitation and physical therapy in the management of patients with Meniere’s disease who experience chronic imbalance.
Jan 1, 2019/CPG
The reviewers recommend that patients with active psoriatic arthritis use some form or combination of exercise, physical therapy, occupational therapy, massage therapy, and acupuncture over not using these modalities.