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Management Of The Movement System

Jun 3, 2015/Policies & Bylaws

House position: Outlines management of the movement system.

Curriculum Resources for Educators

Access resources provided to facilitate academic program curriculum development, review, and enhancement.

Knee Society Score (KSS) for Total Knee Replacement

Jan 21, 2013/Test & Measure

The KSS contains questions in 2 sections: knee joint (pain, range of motion, stability) and function (walking distance, ability to climb stairs).

American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM) Practice Guidelines: Elbow Disorders

Nov 1, 2013/CPG

This document is an abbreviated version of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine treatment guidelines for elbow disorders.

Functional Reach Test for Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Jan 25, 2015/Test & Measure

Functional Reach Test for Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Member Options

Sep 13, 2023/Members Only

Member Options offers APTA members discounts off a variety of insurance policies, including auto, home, renters, travel, and pet.

Listen to Your Gut – Finding My Way

Nov 2, 2017/Podcast

As a DPT student, Keaton Ray was struggling to identify her professional passion. Then she got involved in student leadership, developed mentor peers, and figured out when to say yes or no to her many opportunities.

The Perfect Profession for Me

Feb 1, 2022/Column

A light came on not only in a dark hospital basement but in a future PT’s head that this was her ideal career.

Jones & Bartlett Learning Discount for APTA Members

Jul 13, 2022/Members Only

APTA members save 30% on select physical therapy and related book titles with Jones & Barlett Learning.

APTA's Most-Read News Articles of 2022

Dec 21, 2022/Roundup

Staying up to speed with changes and challenges while keeping tabs on APTA happenings.