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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
Jul 24, 2023/Article
Communicating with an individual with a communications disability
Aug 1, 2023/Feature
A look at why PTs are well-suited to help patients who have substance use disorders.
Aug 1, 2023/Column
How one PT moved from a career plan of studying architecture to physical therapy.
Sep 19, 2023/Article
Patients receiving physical therapy within three months of diagnosis reported significantly lower rates of falls as much as 12 months later.
Sep 20, 2023/Article
The agenda outlines research priorities vital to advancing the profession.
Feb 28, 2023/Video
APTA's biannual statements of our public policy priorities help us deliver our message to federal legislators and policymakers.
Mar 10, 2023/Video
Consider how to leverage specialized knowledge and skills to propel the evolution of physical therapy practice toward greater precision.
Jun 17, 2021/Video
Improving diversity, equity, and inclusion within the field of physical therapy has taken many challenges.
Apr 28, 2021/Video
APTA supports you throughout your career — serving you, connecting you, and empowering you to thrive.
Aug 11, 2023/Video
Discover the pressing need for translating research findings into practical clinical applications within the field of physical therapy.