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Advocating for Coverage: Template Letters

Jan 14, 2022/Open Access

Access a variety of template letters you and your patients can use when your patient is denied coverage, the services approved are inadequate, or care is delayed, and a utilization management company is involved.

Well To Be!

Jun 1, 2020/Column

A parting request as this column comes to a close.

Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement Model

Aug 2, 2018/Article

CJR is a payment model being tested for episodes of care related to total knee and total hip replacements (MS-DRG 469 and 470) under Medicare. One track of the CJR model qualifies as an Advanced APM under QPP.

Patient Driven Payment Model

The PDPM is a shift away from volume-driven SNF payment to a model that focuses on the unique characteristics, needs, and goals of each patient.

Coding and Billing Updates: The Move to Value-based Payment

May 30, 2020/Article

Recorded webinar from live Q & A (December 4, 2018)

Advocating For A Mindset Shift

Feb 25, 2018/Perspective

I'm not saying that a patient's success in therapy is contingent on luck. But there are more factors at play than what they do in therapy.

The Injury That Changed My Trajectory

May 3, 2018/Perspective

At the physical therapy clinic people, despite the various injuries and conditions, could very much relate to my physical and emotional pain.

One out of Sixty-Four

Nov 27, 2018/Perspective

Our job is to help our patients with their function and quality of life. Oncology is no different; you simply have a different set of circumstances to navigate.

Top 5 Questions Physical Therapists Can’t Answer

Mar 14, 2018/Article

APTA's Physical Therapy Outcomes Registry will help to answer these questions and improve practice.

The Therapeutic Alliance

Nov 20, 2018/Perspective

It must be one alliance between the patient, PT, and PTA.