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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
Aug 14, 2017/Article
During the July APTA Student Assembly #XchangeSA chat we talked about empathy and emotions in the workplace with physical therapist and mental health expert Daphne Scott, PT, DSc, MS. Watch the full discussion here or listen to the podcast version. Join us for the August #XchangeSA chat Sunday, August
Sep 11, 2017/Article
We talked about physical therapists role in the world of strength and conditioning with Zach Long, PT, DPT.
Jul 26, 2018/Perspective
The provision and billing of services when provided by a PT-PTA team is complex.
Sep 26, 2018/Perspective
Any PT or PTA student would respond to all of these scenarios the same way I did: "Have you considered physical therapy?"
Oct 11, 2017/News
Hospitals that serve rural areas are disappearing. APTA is supporting efforts to stop and even reverse that trend.
Oct 19, 2017/News
Most of the use is occurring in private and hospital-based outpatient clinics and group practices.
Oct 29, 2017/Review
Researchers found that even a small amount of walking had an impact on health.
Nov 13, 2017/Review
Parents and coaches need to be educated on the risks and signs of overuse injuries common in children who specialize in a single sport at a young age, say authors of a recent research review published in the American Journal of Sports Medicine. Surgery, they concur, should not be the first-line treatment
Nov 7, 2017/Review
Referral to rehabilitation may be of benefit to those with or at risk of knee OA not meeting one or more of these physical function thresholds.
Dec 7, 2017/News
The seven-time all-star retired in 2013 after numerous ankle injuries and surgeries—and painful recoveries—over the course of his career.