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The Vaccine Rule: 6 Things to Know Right Now

Nov 5, 2021/News

CMS issued a sweeping rule requiring COVID-19 vaccinations for an estimated 17 million workers. Here are six basics of the new requirements

We Owe It to Our Patients — and Each Other — To Honor Pronouns

Oct 21, 2020/Perspective

Odds are you'll cross paths with someone who uses gender neutral pronouns.

Three Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started My Clinical Rotations

Apr 3, 2017/Perspective

It's a really interesting transition from student to clinician.

'Allow Mistakes': Study of Infants With CP Emphasizes Importance of Balanced Approach to Movement Learning

Jun 25, 2019/Review

Researchers believe that for children with Cerebral Palsy, pairing special assistive technology with a careful combination of movement learning strategies could facilitate important gains in this population.

Do You Believe in Magic?

Mar 1, 2016/Column

Your wellness clients might. Tell them about the "big 3."

Defining Moment: Back to Living

Aug 1, 2022/Column

A ride home from a high school dance launched a life-long romance — and physical therapy career.

Targeting Fraud and Abuse in Home Health

Nov 1, 2016/Column

CMS launches a pre-claim review demonstration in 5 states. Here are the key points.

Empowering People With ALS

Mar 1, 2021/Column

Physical therapy has an important role in addressing the challenges of a devastating disease.

Payers Looking for More Coding Detail

Feb 21, 2018/News

PTs take note: the 59 modifier is a potential red flag for CMS and commercial payers.

Online APTA Live Event to Explore the Impact of Recent Report on Virtual MSK Care

Jun 10, 2024/News

Join us June 27 for a live online discussion on the recently released report confirming that virtual health technologies, when guided by a PT, deliver ″clinically meaningful improvements in pain and function″ for patients with musculoskeletal conditions.