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You Are More Qualified Than You Think

Jul 4, 2018/Perspective

You can be a great DPT degree candidate. If I can do this, then so can you.

Chicago: The Windy City, the City of Big Shoulders

Mar 14, 2019/Perspective

I've been lucky to call Chicago home for seven years now, and I still find something new and exciting to do in this city nearly every week. From some of our country's coolest museums and dynamite food to the splendor of the lakefront in the summer, Chicago has it all. Fortunately, this June I'll share

Video: Interviews From CSM 2019

Feb 11, 2019/Article

16,000+ PTs, PTAs, and students made their way to Washington, DC for Combined Sections Meeting 2019 last week.  To give students an idea of who was there and of the hot topics being discussed, Kyle Stapleton, SPT, Director of Communications, APTA Student Assembly Board of Directors, sat down with experts

Dairyland Games

Oct 3, 2019/Perspective

Henry The final call for the 50-meter freestyle at the third annual Dairyland Games had been announced, but Henry was still not at his starting block. Despite repeated attempts to soothe his anxiety, Henry refused to get in the swimming pool, and there was no changing his mind. I watched from the other

When the Team Falls Apart

Aug 18, 2019/Perspective

People slip through the cracks, but we have a unique role within the system to help seal those cracks and keep people moving forward.

Filing a Complaint With the Insurance Commission

Apr 1, 2016/Column

When is it appropriate? What's involved? Considerations and action steps.

100 Days of Service Member Profile: Teresa Briedwell, PT, DPT

Sep 28, 2021/Perspective

"We accept a responsibility to transform society when we join the profession."

Wishing Doesn�t Make It So.

Jul 1, 2017/Column

Our role in motivating patients and clients to action.\r\n\r\n


Nov 1, 2017/Magazine

Ask Questions. Remember Wellness.

APTA-Hosted Panel Discussion on Opioid Epidemic and Pain to Be Broadcast Live Via Facebook

Jan 30, 2018/News

Monday, February 5, APTA will convene a panel of experts to discuss how pain management in America can be transformed to move beyond opioids and improve the health of society. The discussion will be broadcast live from APTA’s Facebook page and will include the premiere of the association’s second public