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I Took a Leap – Finding My Way

Nov 21, 2017/Podcast

Becca Sanders Fung didn’t receive any interdisciplinary instruction in DPT school. Now it’s what she does for a living.

I Took Chances - Finding My Way

Dec 21, 2017/Podcast

Heather Cronin figures out which patient population she loves when she found herself showing up early to her clinical rotations.

Value-Based Care: What Is Value? #2

Jan 26, 2018/Podcast

This is episode 2 of APTA’s comprehensive podcast series that explains the move toward value-based care and how physical therapists can participate in the Quality Payment Program. This episode asks “What Is Value?”

International PT Response to COVID-19: Colombia, Peru

Apr 7, 2020/Podcast

Despite living in different countries and health systems, physical therapists in Colombia and Peru are facing the same challenges as physical therapists in the United States. This discussion features Nancy Molina, president of the Colombian Physical Therapy Association, Gabriela Mallma, president of

Serving on the Front Lines of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Apr 20, 2020/Podcast

New grad James Newman, PT, DPT, talks about his experience transitioning from working in an outpatient setting to working in acute care in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. James will share how life as a physical therapist has changed for him and the sacrifices he and his colleagues have had to make

Value-Based Care: MIPS Advancing Care Information Category #13

Jan 26, 2018/Podcast

This is episode 13 of APTA’s comprehensive podcast series that explains the move toward value-based care and how physical therapists can participate in the Quality Payment Program. This episode is “The MIPS Advancing Care Information Category.”

Value-Based Care: How Are PTs Measured? #5

Jan 26, 2018/Podcast

This is episode 5 of APTA’s comprehensive podcast series that explains the move toward value-based care and how physical therapists can participate in the Quality Payment Program. This episode asks “How Are PTs Measured?”

Value-Based Care: The Importance of Technology in MIPS #9

Jan 26, 2018/Podcast

This is episode 9 of APTA’s comprehensive podcast series that explains the move toward value-based care and how physical therapists can participate in the Quality Payment Program. This episode is “The Importance of Technology in MIPS.”

Value-Based Care: MIPS Reporting Group #10

Jan 26, 2018/Podcast

This is episode 10 of APTA’s comprehensive podcast series that explains the move toward value-based care and how physical therapists can participate in the Quality Payment Program. This episode is “MIPS Quality Reporting via Group or Virtual Group.”

Professional Advocacy in the Midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Apr 29, 2020/Podcast

Justin Elliott, APTA vice president of government affairs discusses what’s happening in Congress, what’s to come, and what APTA is doing to advocate on behalf of the profession.