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Proposed 2022 Fee Schedule: More Cuts, PTA Differential, Telehealth Obstacles

Jul 16, 2021/Review

The proposal contains few surprises, setting the stage for intensified advocacy efforts directed at CMS and Capitol Hill.

Coronavirus Update, Oct. 6

Oct 6, 2021/Roundup

Long COVID as an "episodic disability," the pandemic's effects on obesity, possible COVID-19 pill, and more.

Student Spotlight: APTA Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy

Feb 9, 2021/Open Access

APTA Pediatrics has close to 6,000 physical therapist, physical therapist assistant, student, and partner members.

Coronavirus Update: April 21

Apr 21, 2021/Roundup

New developments in pediatric COVID-19, physical inactivity and severe symptoms, and more.

Eight Ways to Participate in National Physical Therapy Month This October

Sep 1, 2020/Open Access

This year's theme is the role of the PT and PTA in improving physical activity. You got this.

Refocusing My Professional Why

Jun 29, 2020/Perspective

I was reminded again why I wanted to do this: the people.

It Doesn't Have to Be a Grand Gesture to Make a Great Impact

Aug 27, 2017/Perspective

The people are my favorite part of our profession.

Mentorship and Meaningful Professional Relationships: August #XchangeSA Chat

Aug 21, 2017/Article

  During the August APTA Student Assembly #XchangeSA chat we talked about mentorship and meaningful professional relationships with physical therapist Jesse Elis, PT, DPT, FAAOMPT. Watch the full discussion here. Join us for the September #XchangeSA chat where we'll talk about where physical therapists

Just Taking a Walk Can Extend Your Life, Say Researchers

Oct 29, 2017/Review

Researchers found that even a small amount of walking had an impact on health.

8 APTA Collections That Could Make You a Better Therapist

Sep 15, 2017/News

The APTA website is home to some fascinating archives devoted to a variety of topics. Here are 8 of the best collections offered by APTA.