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Hasta La Visa?

Oct 1, 2015/Column

A PT who's new to the United States faces termination on the job. Part 2 of 3 on various faces of bullying and their ethical ramifications.

Instructive Queries

Jun 1, 2015/Column

Can PTs be compelled to provide clinical education? Should they be?

Health Care Technology Today

Feb 1, 2015/Feature

Technological advances highlighted in this issue include nasal cells used in a spinal cord transplant, telehealth kiosks, tips to control technology vendor demos, the risk of medical device hacking, a robotic exoskeleton whose developer is seeking approval for home use, and more.

Sticks and Stones

Feb 1, 2015/Feature

Lacrosse was named for the stick its players wield. As the saying goes, sticks and stones can break bones. Lacrosse players experience myriad other injuries as well. Physical therapists help prevent injuries and rehabilitate injured players.

Coronavirus Update: Aug. 11

Aug 11, 2021/Roundup

APTA joint statement, a jump in pediatric cases, "persistent cognitive deficits," and more.

Proposed 2022 Fee Schedule: More Cuts, PTA Differential, Telehealth Obstacles

Jul 16, 2021/Review

The proposal contains few surprises, setting the stage for intensified advocacy efforts directed at CMS and Capitol Hill.

Coronavirus Update, Oct. 6

Oct 6, 2021/Roundup

Long COVID as an "episodic disability," the pandemic's effects on obesity, possible COVID-19 pill, and more.

Student Spotlight: APTA Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy

Feb 9, 2021/Open Access

APTA Pediatrics has close to 6,000 physical therapist, physical therapist assistant, student, and partner members.

Coronavirus Update: April 21

Apr 21, 2021/Roundup

New developments in pediatric COVID-19, physical inactivity and severe symptoms, and more.

Eight Ways to Participate in National Physical Therapy Month This October

Sep 1, 2020/Open Access

This year's theme is the role of the PT and PTA in improving physical activity. You got this.