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2022 Fee Schedule Calculator, Summary of Medicare Payment Changes Now Available

Jan 12, 2022/News

Get a handle on how CMS changes to the fee schedule, coding, and other issues will affect your practice.

2022 APTA House of Delegates Motions Posted

May 25, 2022/News

The House will consider 22 motions during upcoming virtual and in-person meetings.

Share the Ways You Build Patient Trust

May 18, 2022/News

A nationwide initiative to collect innovative ways providers build strong patient relationships is looking for input from PTs and PTAs.


Mar 1, 2018/Magazine

PTs Must Demonstrate Their Value

Call for volunteers for 2020 House of Delegates

Feb 3, 2020/News

We are seeking student volunteers to serve as ushers at the 2020 APTA House of Delegates in Phoenix, Arizona, June 1-3, 2020. 

5 Tips To Help You Ace Your PT School Interviews

Dec 18, 2017/Perspective

While some programs do not require applicant interviews, for the schools that do, the interview is an important component of the admissions process.

What You Should Know About the Patient-Driven Groupings Model for Home Health

Mar 1, 2020/Article

The PDGM is not intended to be used to make treatment or staffing decisions that reduce or compromise patient care.

Introducing Core App by Hyperice

Oct 29, 2021/Podcast

The Core App by Hyperice is a mindfulness meditation app grounded in science and driven by data. It’s designed to help you find calm, improve focus, and flex your inner strength to seize the day without it ever seizing you.

From Near Death To Walking Steady: A COVID-19 Survivor's Journey

Jul 16, 2020/Podcast

Brian de Castro didn't fit the profile of someone likely to find himself in a life-and-death battle with COVID-19. His entire family got the virus and recovered quickly, but the 39-year-old who was in good health, is required two weeks on a ventilator. Physical therapy was key to his recovery.

News at NEXT: Variation in Care Is the Profession's Greatest Challenge, Maley Lecturer Says

Jun 25, 2017/News

"The greatest challenge to the value of physical therapy is unwarranted variation."