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Use of APTA Logo

Members of APTA in good standing may download and use the APTA Member Graphics in social media or on their websites.


Plan your financial life with tools from Enrich. Your APTA membership gives you free use of this platform, where you can access videos, webinars, interactive worksheets (including Enrich's budgeting tool), and articles to individualize your plan. And check out its "Mindfulness" area for ways to reduce

National Provider Identifier

Getting a NPI should be a priority for any PT. Among other payers, it also is required for all providers enrolled in Medicare.

Model Position Description for the ACCE/DCE: PTA Program

Feb 27, 2018/Article

View model descriptions of faculty in PTA programs.

2021 APTA House of Delegates Packet Posted

Jun 23, 2021/News

The House will consider 13 motions, including 11 proposed changes to the APTA bylaws.

Spinal Integrity

May 9, 2020/Column

The need for teamwork to best serve a patient.

Millennial Mindset Changing Health Care

May 15, 2018/Perspective

This is an excerpt from "Yes, We Can: How a Millennial Mindset Can Help PTs Improve the Health of Society."

Dairyland Games

Oct 3, 2019/Perspective

Henry The final call for the 50-meter freestyle at the third annual Dairyland Games had been announced, but Henry was still not at his starting block. Despite repeated attempts to soothe his anxiety, Henry refused to get in the swimming pool, and there was no changing his mind. I watched from the other

Chicago: The Windy City, the City of Big Shoulders

Mar 14, 2019/Perspective

I've been lucky to call Chicago home for seven years now, and I still find something new and exciting to do in this city nearly every week. From some of our country's coolest museums and dynamite food to the splendor of the lakefront in the summer, Chicago has it all. Fortunately, this June I'll share

Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency, 2nd ed, (BOT-2)

Dec 13, 2019/Test & Measure

BOT-2 measures fine and gross motor proficiency, with subtests that focus on stability, mobility, strength, coordination, and object manipulation.