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APTA State Advocacy Map

Mar 20, 2024/Resource

Members can seamlessly navigate through the widget map to discern whether a state chapter supports, opposes, or is neutral on a bill.


Plan your financial life with tools from Enrich. Your APTA membership gives you free use of this platform, where you can access videos, webinars, interactive worksheets (including Enrich's budgeting tool), and articles to individualize your plan. And check out its "Mindfulness" area for ways to reduce

PTA APP Application Process and Requirements

Learn about the application process and requirements for APTA's PTA Advanced Proficiency Pathways program.

A Closer Look: Productivity Measurement in Acute Care Physical Therapy

Jun 25, 2024/Resource

In response to the 2021 APTA House of Delegates position and charge related to productivity standards, an APTA Association Leadership Scholars paper was developed based on a survey distributed to members of APTA Acute Care in June of 2022.

The First 100 Years of APTA

May 8, 2020/Article

Our first century saw war, public health crises, and the continued growth of our association in strength and numbers.

Symptoms and Conditions

We have resources to support your evidence-based practice and improve your clinical decision-making. What was in PTNow is now on

Advocacy Issues

APTA shapes policy issues that impact our profession and the patients and clients we serve.

Education Leadership Partnership

Dec 22, 2021/Article

The Education Leadership Partnership, a collaboration between APTA, ACAPT, and the Academy of Education, completed its charge with the published report "A Vision of Excellence in Physical Therapy Education."