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Believe the Residency Hype or Not?

Aug 13, 2018/Article

You're making your way through school or you're getting ready to graduate and are asking yourself, "What's next?"

It's Lovely at the Top

Jun 1, 2020/Feature

PTs and PTAs who are rock climbers have a passion for the sport and for helping their fellow climbers avoid and rehab from injuries.

APTA Adds Its Voice to Multi-Organization Advocacy Efforts

May 11, 2021/Roundup

We're seizing opportunities to amplify our public policy messages — here's a sampling of some of the issue letters we've signed on to.

Plugging Into Social Media

Dec 1, 2016/Feature

Social networking is an opportunity for PTs and PTAs to engage in creativity, innovation, and collaboration.

IWGDF Guidance on the Diagnosis, Prognosis and Management of Peripheral Artery Disease in Patients With Foot Ulcers in Diabetes (IWGDF 2019 update)

May 19, 2019/CPG

Examines the connection between peripheral artery disease (PAD) and diabetes while providing recommendations to optimize patient outcomes.

Join PT and PTA students from across the country engage on social media to raise awareness and contact their members of Congress.

Sep 20, 2023/Event

Students are the future of our profession, but they are an even more meaningful voice in our advocacy efforts right now.

Chapter and Section COVID-19 Events

Jun 1, 2020/Article

Access a listing of events offered by APTA chapters, sections, and academies on issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Cash-Based Practice

PTs are using a variety of cash-based practice models to meet their patients' needs.

Patient Driven Payment Model

The PDPM is a shift away from volume-driven SNF payment to a model that focuses on the unique characteristics, needs, and goals of each patient.

Disciplinary Action Procedural Document

Mar 6, 2021/Policies & Bylaws

Board policy: Establish principles to guide the Ethics and Judicial Committee and Board of Directors.