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May 26, 2020/Article

APTA Fit for Practice Initiative

Know and Grow Your Value: APTA Members Share Their Insights We know what physical therapy can do for our patients, clients, and society. But it's also important to understand the ways we can grow and thrive in our careers. We need to take the time to look at where we've come from, where we are, and where

APTA Physical Therapist Resources in Spanish

APTA offers physical therapy resources in Spanish. Access resources such as clinical practice guidelines, PTJ articles, Learning Center courses, and information for consumers.

Resources for Educators

APTA helps educators empower the next generations of PTs and PTAs.

Helping You Thrive

We provide you with pathways for success throughout your career journey.

What's Your Story?

Apr 1, 2020/Article

It's deeply relevant to the challenges we're all facing at a time of pandemic.

Resources for PTAs

APTA has resources and information to support PTAs.

The Train That Runs Across the Street: Imposter Syndrome

Feb 13, 2019/Perspective

For me, being a minority in race and religion has played a large role in my feelings of imposterism.

Welcome to the Mile High City!

Jan 14, 2020/Perspective

Here's a list of just some of the things that you can do in Denver and the surrounding areas during your time at CSM.

19 Study Tips From Students

Jan 18, 2017/Article

We asked current and former students about their favorite study tips, advice, and methods.